The bylaws were approved on July 10, 2004 by the membership.



This is to amend Bylaw IV, Section 5.

Do not discriminate against potential members, volunteers, artists or others due to a disability in the engagement for services.

Defined a procedure for addressing grievances or complaints in regard to accessibility for people with disabilities

The HX Choir’s Discrimination and Discriminatory Harassment Policy protects the rights of individuals with disabilities to be free from harassment and discrimination, and to be reasonably accommodated by the HX Choir. Members who feel that their rights under that policy have been violated may use these grievance procedures to file a complaint. Member may file a complaint with the president and any Committee members.

A. Purpose
The purpose of the grievance procedures is to provide corrective actions, as warranted. Actions may include reasonable accommodation or adjustments, measures to reverse the effects of discrimination, and/or measures to ensure proper ongoing accommodations. Discipline is generally not a remedy for a complaint but, where appropriate, it will be pursued against individuals who have violated HX policy, including policies against discrimination. Because the purpose of this procedure is to provide corrective action, a complaint must be filed as soon as possible, but no later than one year, after the alleged discrimination, in order to give the HX Choir a meaningful opportunity to resolve the problem. A delay in filing a complaint may severely affect available remedies.

B. Filing a Complaint
1. A complaint must be submitted in writing and contain the name and address of the person filing the complaint (“complainant”) and a description of the allegation(s) of discrimination. The complainant must set forth specific facts and circumstances and include any supporting documentation.
2. The president and Committee members will accept the complaint, notify the subject of the complaint (“respondent”), and gather information and documentation from both parties. The respondent may submit a written statement which will become part of the record.

a. Informal Mediation and Consultation
If appropriate and voluntarily entered into by all parties, a Committee member may conduct a meeting with the complainant and the respondent in an effort to reach a mutually acceptable agreement. The agreement or results from the meeting will be issued in writing and forwarded to the relevant parties.

b. Formal Grievance
If the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome of the informal resolution or prefers a formal procedure from the outset, the complainant may request the formal procedure. In such instances, the HX Committee will convene a Grievance Committee comprised of three Committee members who will hear and decide upon the matter.